Monday, October 1, 2007

" I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat." Will Rogers

Actually, Michael Uhl Is A True Independent!

Registered "blanks" -- even those running as Democrats -- don't typically garner much support from special interest groups.

The developers, lobbyists, and political insiders tend to put the big bucks in the coffers of the party regulars and the established status quo.

They wouldn't want to change the way the county does business, after all.

While Michael Uhl's opponent can count on a hefty war chest, and dontations from the special interests that are not necessarily acting in your best interest, Michael's only source of campaign funding is YOU!

The best contribution you can make to the cause of independence and accountability in the Nassau County Legislature is to talk up the issues, and Michael's campaign to shake things up in Nassau County, with family, friends and neighbors.

Of course, a little change in the pocket to help Michael get the word out wouldn't hurt, either.

Make a donation to Michael's campaign. Michael is running his campaign financed by small voter contributions and not by ANY special interest group or so-called soft money.

Every extra dollar raised will help Michael fight against his well funded opponent.

In the 8th Legislative District, where David is taking on Goliath, we need to give Michael Uhl some amunition for his sling shot.

Donate today!

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